Taylors Tyres Ltd. Barncoose Lane, Illogan Highway, Redruth, TR15 3EL 01209 315025
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Continental Contiraceattack Comp Tyres Available in Redruth

Continental Contiraceattack Comp

Contiraceattack Comp

High performance race tire available in various compounds for the perfect adaptation to different conditions
MultiGrip Technology:
Makes it possible to use an homogeneous grip grading with a single compound thanks to a temperature controlled curing of the tire during the production process
  • Shoulder area, flexible → Grip
  • Zenith area, wear resistant → Mileage
  • Continuous transition

Sorry, we currently do not have any tyres with the Contiraceattack Comp pattern in stock.
Contact us to see if we can order these in for you.
